Thursday, July 31, 2008

Why does it occur?

It is not yet fully known why aplasia cutis occurs but the following factors may be involved:

Teratogens (drugs or chemicals causing birth deformities)
Defect in skin development in the embryo/fetus
Early rupture of amniotic membranes
Aplasia cutis affecting the limbs may be associated with the death of a twin fetus (papyreous fetus)

No one particular race or sex is more at risk.


Unknown said...

This is really interesting Lauren, and lovely to document his journey in this way. He's a stunningly beautiful little boy! :) Now I know where I can find more pics of him!

Chantelle {fat mum slim} said...

He's the most beautiful little boy Lauren.

I will be following his journey and hoping that it answers a lot of your questions. x

Moskowicz Family said...

hi, i was searching acc on google and your cute little boys picture came up.
i have been on this journey of research since last october when my son was born with what i believe is acc, we have been told the lesions on his head are so many different things and acc is what i feel it is in my gut from my research but no doctor wants to hear what the mom has to say.... i am wondering if i can email you possibly? i couldnt seem to find your email on here tho.

Chris said...

Hi there, My name is Chris, My son was born with ACC, and I would love to talk to youa bout his condition..the testing he has had done etc...My e-mail is
My son is 5 now but ACC is connected to so many other things, I would love to hear from other parents aswell! I look forward to hearing from you..Thanks.

staceysmith188 said...

i also have a boy who i believe has acc! i would love to hear from anyone who has something to add. my son is 16 months. i believe he has the acc where it is caused by a placental infraction. he was 5 pounds and i did have placenta accreta (the placenta is stuck to the unterus). i worry now that i am pregnant again. my son was missing skin mainly on his trunk and knees, but also had marks on his elbows. and it was all symmetrical. again, would love to hear how all your children are! frankie (my son), is doing great. just scarring for now.

staceysmith188 said...

if it's easier, (i think it would be for me) my email address is

June said...

Hi, my son Levi has ACC, he was diagnosed TODAY... after 6.5 months searching for answer. He was born with hole at the back of his head. At first I thought it was cause by needle when I had the Amnio test whilst pregnant with him. I stressed to my GP that I'm concern for his long term if his head grew, the hole would get bigger and in somewhat risk. So GP referral me to see specialist at Westmead Childrens Hosp. At first he saw and instantly knew what was it but forgotten the name of it as it has been over 15-20 years since he last saw it... about half hour later he was searching in his medical book and found ACC. In a way I'm relief there is a name to it and no long term risk but very keen to find group of people with ACC to share with. My son is 6.5 months old.